Thursday 29 September 2011


Okay, so I completely forgot what the hell i was talking about in my last post. Seriously, no idea at all. Over the past 48 hours, I have consumed:
  • 10 Large coffees
  • 4 Peppermint Teas
  • 6 Monster Energy gut-bombs (Or "drinks" as they call them)
  • 4 Dr. Peppers
No joke. I've also had a combined 5 hours sleep over this period of time. So, can you really blame me for not remembering shit? Exactly.

Over the past few days, my Facebook news feed has been bombed with this picture and story:

"Hey Ted, c'mere I'm gonna teabag this little fucker"

To be honest, it's rather touching. I mean, if you read that story, look at the picture, and don't feel anything, it's probably because you're too preoccupied with daydreaming about the TV-movie they're gonna make about you after you hijack a bus full of nuns, pack it with explosives, and drive into a children's hospital. You sick fuck.

But, lets be honest here, after 5 minutes of thinking about it, and re-reading the story, then thinking about it some more, and then smelling it, it smells a lot like bullshit....

Because it is.

And I'm a little pissed off about it now. This shit's old. Like really fucking old. However, on the bright side at least something other than the latest iPhone whale was being shared on Facebook.

This brings me to the next thing I want to touch on. It's something that has royally pissed me off in recent years. Some of you know that I'm a bit of a closet photo-phile. Back in the olden days, when people took pictures with film cameras, there was some class, and exclusivity involved in photography. Now, everyone and their cat is a photographer, and anyone with half a brain (unless it's a cat, they need a whole brain) can take an "amazing" picture.

Photojournalism is something I have always dreamed about pursuing, except for the whole compensation element of it (can't be a baller when you get paid in bread crumbs and urinal cakes). However, now it's a profession that is almost completely dead. Nobody gives a fuck about a real "amazing" picture. Nobody gives a shit about true photojournalism. It's all about Internet memes, cats, and de-motivational pictures of bros pissing on eachother.

I prove with the following:

How many people have seen this picture?

or this?

this one?

These are all incredible images. All captured by people who still give a fuck about photography. That last one is literally a man who lit himself on fire and jumped from a building in Budapest. Think about that for a second. Somebody took that picture, and half a second later, the guy hit the ground. Then someone probably took his wallet, emptied it out, and bought themselves a bottle of coke or an AK-47.

These pictures are of things we should all be shocked, and captivated by. Nobody knows about them.

Instead, everyone who reads this will have seen the following:

"OMG Karen look at this amazing picture! Someone put a fruit helmet on their cat lolz. Go grab your DSLR and Sgt. Puddingtons, I've got the pineapple - we're gonna be famous!"

Anyways, my point is that there are a ton of jaw-dropping, mind boggling photographs in existence out there, spread that shit! Like peanut butter or Nutella.

I leave you with the recommendation to watch "The Bang Bang Club" - It's a great movie, and based on true events/pictures. Watch it. Also check out this website for more epic pictures.

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