Thursday, 15 September 2011

Brilliance. Sheer fucking brilliance.

So today, while i was in the hour long line-up to get into school, it dawned on me that they have yet to make a show about cereal companies.

Think about it.

Imagine the dude who invented Lucky Charms. Just some marketing guy fed up with all these healthy cereals, who had a crude hatred for children, and a lust for success.

The show could be like Mad Men, except follows a cereal marketer. We can call him Carl "Lucky" Charmson.

I had a good 40 minutes of plotting out the first episode. Here's a teaser:

*opens with shots of busy office, people rushing around, cereal dispensers mounted on the walls, scantily clad receptionists*

*Pan to Carl's cubicle, he's busy putting the finishing touches on a proposal*

*Shot of Carl marching to the Director's office, co-workers murmuring and whispering as they watch him proudly stride towards the massive frosted (get it) glass doors.*

*Cut to the Directors desk, carl slams the file down*

Director: " Yes, Carl?"

Carl: "I've got it."

D: *sigh* "What exactly do you have Carl? Another "Lego-Brick-Explosion" pitch? You do know we're facing three law-suits over that, right?

Carl: No. No no, this is IT. *Opens file, slides box design towards the director*

D: *looks at design, then at carl, then design*

Carl: *Eagerly stares*

D: "Irish Blast..."

Carl: "Yeah."

D: "I see...are... are those marshmallows shaped like bottles of whiskey?"

Carl: "Yeah."

D: "And... hookers. These other things are marshmallow hookers?"

Carl: *with a look of pride* "Yes, yes they are."

D: *points* "and this one?"

Carl: "It's Colin Farrell sir."

D: "You're fired. Get the fuck out of my office."


Follow Carl, and his quest to have his irish cereal produced.

That's all i've got for now. I'm going to incorporate the whole controversy about how it contains zero nutritional value, and likely is the root cause of severe digestive issues later in life.

On another note, if you ever find yourself in a room with a family size box of Lucky Charms, eat the whole thing and see what happens. I fucking dare you. Use skim milk though. I don't want you all getting fat.

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